That Old, Forbidden Crumble

Trigger Warning: This post discusses the issue of adultery, particularly in a Christian ministry context. It is not aimed at any particular persons, but rather addresses the alarming rate of clergy infedelity and reflects on why this might be. Please don’t read further if this is likely to upset you. “Did you hear about Elaine’s…

The Availability Factor

Those who followed the Lockdown Diaries may remember a whole series of events through which God challenged my felt uselessness with an instruction to ‘be available.’ As a project-driven extrovert, I found many of our bubble-restricted days in limited locations difficult, and thought ‘availability’, aka loitering without intent, a sorry excuse for a vocation! Then…

Diary of ANOTHER Lockdown: #8

Saturday Husband is still off work and thankfully manages to sleep well today. It always takes him a while to switch off. We don’t do much to be honest. I think there’s a walk and a game and a movie – but I didn’t take any photographs and so I have no markers to jog…

Date Night: E to R

Tiny is napping and I’m currently plotting (and running out of ideas) for our next Date Night. In doing so, it occurred to me that I started to blog this stuff, then trailed off, and neglected to keep y’all up to speed! So… just in case you were following and thought the challenge had stopped-…

Date Night: A to D

I said I’d blog every few Date Nights… Then realised how hard they are to find, never mind write down! So, without much further ado… here’s about where we’re up to now…

The A Date (A to Z Challenge)

In my last post, I explained how we had been working on our marriage; mainly, and namely, detailing The A to Z Date Night Challenge! As promised, I’ll start right back in June, with the letter A; in which I tried to set the tone, the mood- and indeed, the bar- as high as I…